Teaching Resources about Jan. 6, 2020
Become A Member of MCHE - Here's How
Or Fill Out This Google Form
Our first MCHE x OER Project PD Session is scheduled for Saturday, November 14 from 10 to 11 a.m. The topic will be on culturally relevant pedagogy in the history classroom. Here’s what you need to know to participate!
Head over to the OER Project Community (https://community.oerproject.com/) site and sign up for an OER Project teacher account in the top right corner.
Between now and November 14, view the designated PD videos from the OER Conference for Social Studies listed below. These are your “pre-work”:
Good Trouble Necessary History - Yohuru Williams
It’s Not the Story of Others, It’s the Story of Humanity – Hajra Saeed
Post your reflections in the comments section of the selected videos as you watch each one. You can post a thought, question or respond to another commentator’s question! Tag your comment with #MCHE so we can give you credit for your participation. After your participate, fill out this Google Form and we will send you a Zoom link and access code for the live discussion. Some questions to think about while watching these videos include:
How do you incorporate currents events to narrate history for young people, especially understanding protests and other events taking place today? ​In what ways can you scaffold this message for students? How does “good trouble” initiate social change?
When we focus on the same figures in history, we make it seem like only a few can make a difference, when in reality so many people have and will impact change in our world. How do you incorporate the other 99% into the historical narrative?
How do you use claim testing in your class, especially if students may not have a strong knowledge of the historical background?
On November 14 at 10am, log into the PD session via Zoom, discuss the key takeaways from the videos you watched, connect to Michigan Social Studies Standards, and continue the conversation. You’ll receive information on how to receive clock hours for your participation during the Zoom discussion!
Reach out to Tammy Shreiner (shreinet@gvsu.edu) or Nick Orlowski (OrlowskiN@grps.edu) if you have questions about the clock hours or PD session.