Teaching Resources about Jan. 6, 2020
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The Annette and Jim McConnell Teacher of the Year Awards honor the best history teacher each year at the elementary, high school, and pre-service levels.
The McConnells are steadfast supporters of history education in Michigan and have been a driving force to keep the past alive in all corners of the state.
To Nominate a Teacher:
Send a nomination letter that should explain the attributes of the nominee as well as the description of a particular lesson. 1-3 additional letters of recommendation should be included in your nomination. Additional items that are encouraged in any nomination are lesson plans, copies of anonymous student work, and student testimonials.
Send nominations by MAY 1 each year to:
Nick Orlowski at teachinghistoryinmi@gmail.com
2022 Winners
Secondary winner - Rod Franchi, Novi HS
Elementary winner - Leann Franchy, Huron Academy