Teaching Resources about Jan. 6, 2020
Become A Member of MCHE - Here's How
Or Fill Out This Google Form
The Michigan Council for History Education (MCHE), in cooperation with Wayne RESA,
announces a special 2020 Presidential Election Prediction Contest for Michigan Educators.
Teachers are encouraged to have their students study the Electoral College system,
researching historical patterns and read articles predicting the potential winner in each state and the District of Columbia. The teacher can then compile these views to complete an MCHE Educator Prediction Answer Sheet to enter the Contest.
Winners will receive a $50 Gift Certificate to the Michigan History Museum gift shop and a copy of the C-SPAN book: "The Presidents: Noted Historians Rank America's Best - And Worst - Chief Executive"
Complete Contest Guidelines can be found HERE.
More Info on Presidential Elections can be found HERE.
To Enter:
Download the Entry Form
Fill it in COMPLETELY!
Return to: teachinghistoryinmi@gmail.com
Questions? Contact David Hales at: halesd@resa.net