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Announcing MCHE’s Teaching History in Michigan Series!


MCHE is pleased to announce a series of virtual professional development opportunities beginning in November. SCECH credits are available for each session and you can be part of an online learning community between the sessions. More information for each session will be coming soon!


-Saturday, Nov. 14 (10-11 a.m.) – Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for History, in partnership with OER Project (2 SCECH)


Data Literacy for Social Studies, Sessions take place over the following dates: Nov. 9-20, January 19-29, April 19-30.

Teachers can earn 7 SCECHs for participation in this professional development opportunity. To earn the SCECH, you must participate in 3 brief synchronous Zoom sessions, complete asynchronous online work between sessions, and design a 1-3 day lesson plan that incorporates data literacy.

For more details and to register, CLICK HERE.


-Saturday, Jan. 16 (10-11 a.m.) – Disciplinary Literacy in History, in partnership with OER Project (2 SCECH)

  • Watch 2-3 videos, post comments in an online discussion, and join a live ZOOM meeting


-Saturday, Mar. 20 (10-11 a.m.)– Why is History Important?, in partnership with OER Project (2 SCECH)

  • Watch 2-3 videos, post comments in an online discussion, and join a live ZOOM meeting


-Saturday, May 22 – MCHE/OER Project Virtual Conference with topics TBD (6 SCECH)


PLUS, three different opportunities to earn 7 SCECH as you learn about Teaching Data Literacy in History. These sessions involve four hours of asynchronous work with an open educational resource on data literacy and three 60-minute online discussion sessions. Participants will be expected to turn in a data literacy-focused lesson plan at the end of the session. The dates over which these sessions will take place are:


            November 9-20

            January 19-29

            April 19-30

Stay tuned for more details!



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Contact Us


Nick Orlowski

Executive Director Michigan Council for History Education

Director of School Leadership for CS Partners


D-1-214 Mackinac Hall

1 Campus Drive

Allendale, MI 49401

(616) 313-8568

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